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The writing community where screenwriters and authors can discover how to establish healthy writing habits and approach their creative works from a different angle

to work with their creativity, instead of on it by:


  • forming a stronger bond with their intuition

  • embracing their unique voice confidently

  • finishing projects faster

  • producing more sales and success


All by using tarot cards and activating using their six -- or more -- senses! 



This is just the tip of the iceberg of what you'll experience/learn here:


The Super Subconscious 

In this phase you'll learn how to:

1. The practice of self-forgiveness. Through a series of posture and mindset exercises, you'll cultivate a sense of self-compassion and forgiveness, clearing the path for uninhibited creativity to flow.


2.  How and what to do when you buy youor own tarot deck. Discover the ins and outs of purchasing and using your own tarot deck, empowering you to unlock its profound insights and wisdom.


3. Transparency of the direct resources and spreads that I've used to cultivate my own tarot practice that you can use as a starting point to build your own.



To help you complete this phase faster and easier, you'll get...


6 videos with instructions on how to use my favorite mindset practices to tap into the subconcious and  create new/productive pathways in your Super Subconscious to enhance your writing experience/practice.


The Subconscious 

In this phase you'll learn:

1. Discover how to give extra weight to your schedule, transforming it into a sacred blueprint that honors your creative process and nurtures your growth as a writer.


2. Learn the art of creating rituals and ceremonies that serve as gateways to your creative zone, allowing you to transcend the distractions of the outside world and tap into the wellspring of inspiration within.


3. Let's redefine failure, challenging and exploring it's true nature, empowering you to embrace setbacks with ease and are just stepping stones to true success.​



To help you complete this phase faster and easier, you'll get...


5 instructional videos how to be more serious with your creative writing endeavors while still being human and

a failure pep talk. 


The Conscious 

In this phase / step, you'll learn...

1. Discover the importance of leaving room for growth in your writing practice all the while learning to tune into what your physical body is telling you. â€‹


2. Harnessing the energy of The Sun Tarot Card as you cultivate connections within your writing community, fostering a supportive environment that nurtures creativity and collaboration.


3. Using the power of reflection to evaluate how far you've come, where you're heading, and implementing the insights you've gained though this journey/cylce into your next one. â€‹




To help you complete this phase faster and easier, you'll get...


7 videos reminding you of the new habits you've been created while paying attention to new insights, acceptance, and reflection for your path forward.




In addition these core 9 lessons, you'll also get...


  • A PDF with instructions on how to read a tarot card without knowing the meaning

  • Free Weekly Collective 2-Card Tarot Readings

  • Access to FYM Online Community/Group(s) with daily access to me

  • Access to writing challenges

  • Social Media Marketing Post Rewards 

  • Discounts for Private 1:1 Tarot Readings

  • Hero's Journey Writing Prompts

  • Group Tarot Discussions of one card at a time

  • Advanced tarot practice lessons

  • Co-Writing Session Sprints via Zoom 2 X a week


And if that's not enough... 

Inside, you'll also get:


  • Accountability buddies

  • Idea bouncers

  • Feedback on your work

  • Meet other writers who'll even be in a writer's group with you





You’re sitting on a stage, at an event, celebrating you and your latest book release — If you’re a screenwriter, maybe you’re at a screening instead — getting the recognition you’ve always wanted and deserve.


There’s a long line of people, just dying to ask you questions about your process and how this all came to be.


The next guest comes up to the microphone and asks:


“Hi. I’d like to know how you created such a deep and powerful story. I was hooked from the first page and I just can’t stop thinking about it.”


Your answer:


“A tarot reading.”



That is the experience that Flow Your MoJo and the community can help transform yourself into.


Screenwriters and authors can come here to overcome writer’s block, understand themselves inside and out, create stories that readers can't put down, connect with their audience in a more powerful way, slow down in order to get ahead, and sell better -- all by using the seeds of tarot card readings.


My life story, how Flow Your MoJo came to be, and testimonials are a little further down this page after the FAQ, but let's keep the focus on you, your goals, your career, and your writing journey.


Flow Your MoJo is a safe space where writers of all genres can come create, stick to a writing schedule that works for you (no, you don't have to write every day), feel supported, and give support when needed, and have less outside distractions competing for your attention while you're writing -- um, hello, social media advertisements.

There is also a sense of personal healing as well.


Still with me? 


You've probably got a lot of questions running through your head, so let's take a breath.

Okay, let's continue.


I've made this page sort of a "Choose Your Own Adventure"

as there are extroverts who are ready to join right now and

introverts who still need to wrap their heads around this.


So, here's a table of contents that you can use to click around on this page.


The 9 Phases of creating a creative flow with tarot cards

The three tiers of the Flow your MoJo Community​

Extra Bonuses


My Life Story


Creative flow, here we go!

Flow your mojo with tarot!




  • Always being in a creative flow -- even when out on the town, lounging at a cafe, or not even in front of your computer -- where you have the freedom to express yourself authentically, without masking and the constraints of self-doubt.

  • Never feeling a guilt trip again for not accomplishing your daily goal(s) -- you're human, remember! Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

  • Visualize the moment when your manuscript is finally published, your screenplay sold, or your fan fiction is shared with the world. Whatever your aspiration, imagine the exhilaration of achieving your writing dreams.



In the words of an unknown sage

(Paraphrased because I can't remember where I heard it):


"Healing is not about fixing ourselves to become perfect;

it's about being comfortable with who we truly are."


Sound too good to be true?

Keep reading.

Let me show you exactly how...

In the words of an unknown sage (Paraphrased because I can't remember where I heard it): ​ "Healing is not about fixing ourselves to become perfect; it's about being comfortable with who we truly are." ​

In the words of an unknown sage (Paraphrased because I can't remember where I heard it): ​ "Healing is not about fixing ourselves to become perfect; it's about being comfortable with who we truly are." ​




You’re sitting on a stage, at an event, celebrating you and your latest book release — If you’re a screenwriter, maybe you’re at a screening instead — getting the recognition you’ve always wanted and deserve.


There’s a long line of people, just dying to ask you questions about your process and how this all came to be.


The next guest comes up to the microphone and asks:


“Hi. I’d like to know how you created such a deep and powerful story. I was hooked from the first page and I just can’t stop thinking about it.”


Your answer:


“A tarot reading.”



That is the experience that Flow Your MoJo and the community can help transform yourself into.


Screenwriters and authors can come here to overcome writer’s block, understand themselves inside and out, create stories that readers can't put down, connect with their audience in a more powerful way, slow down in order to get ahead, and sell better -- all by using the seeds of tarot card readings.


My life story, how Flow Your MoJo came to be, and testimonials are a little further down this page after the FAQ, but let's keep the focus on you, your goals, your career, and your writing journey.


Flow Your MoJo is a safe space where writers of all genres can come create, stick to a writing schedule that works for you (no, you don't have to write every day), feel supported, and give support when needed, and have less outside distractions competing for your attention while you're writing -- um, hello, social media advertisements.

There is also a sense of personal healing as well.


Still with me? 


You've probably got a lot of questions running through your head, so let's take a breath.

Okay, let's continue.


I've made this page sort of a "Choose Your Own Adventure"

as there are extroverts who are ready to join right now and

introverts who still need to wrap their heads around this.


So, here's a table of contents that you can use to click around on this page.


The 9 Phases of creating a creative flow with tarot cards

The three tiers of the Flow your MoJo Community​

Extra Bonuses


My Life Story


Creative flow, here we go!

Flow your mojo with tarot!


Your dream of becoming a successful author and/or screenwriter is slipping away amidst the chaos of revisions, marketing demands, and a lack of support, huh? 


Perhaps the passion that once fueled your creativity is now just flickering like The Star Card, overshadowed by the weight of your perceived failures.


You've tried:


1.  Sticking to a writing schedule, only to be derailed by life's constant interruptions, leaving you feeling further from your goals with each passing day.


2. You've sought solace in online communities, craving accountability and camaraderie, only to find yourself engulfed in debates over the "right" way to write, and bombarded by coaches peddling high-ticket offers.


3. Every tactic and suggestion you've heard about and used to conquer writer's block has fallen short, leaving you paralyzed with fear at the mere thought of starting a writing session.


But let me make one thing abundantly clear:

It matters not how long it's been since you last opened your document;

You are a writer, dammit!​


Tired of the stop-and-start creative cycle that leaves your writing aspirations stranded in the backseat?


Flow Your MoJo is designed for you to unleash the full force of your creative intuition and accelerating your writing journey like never before.

Bid farewell to procrastination and welcome a writing practice that seamlessly integrates with your life. In this writing community, very moment is an opportunity to tap into your creative side and propel your narrative forward. Say goodbye to stagnant progress and hello to a journey of perpetual growth, all guided by the timeless wisdom of Tarot Cards.

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