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My religion says tarot cards and magic is a path to worshiping the Devil. Is that true?No. Plain and simple. And don't take my word for it. Here is a Biddy Tarot Podcast episode where Biddy interviews Titi Miche, a Christian whose written books on the subject!
I've been told tarot is a closed practice and I have to be gifted a deck to even start. Is that true?No. Tarot is not a closed practice and I encourage you to go buy your own deck. Art is subject and a deck that resonates with someone who buys you that deck, may not vibe with you. This is your art. Your writing. Your voice. Why not start here with YOU and what art YOU resonate with? One word of caution: There are a few different versions of tarot cards out there -- Thoth, Oracle, Rider-Waite-Smith... When purchasing your own deck for Flow Your MoJo purposes, make sure the deck is a Rider-Waite-Smith styled deck. (RWS for short.)
Does this only work for writers and/or tarot readers?I'm going to say no to this. As much as this is geared toward tarot readers/enthusiasts and fiction writers, healing and practicing how to access your own intuition toward your own creativity can also be achieved. I believe that the tarot tells you what you already know; it just depends on what you want to do with the information the cards tell you for their messages to be constructive.
What if I've never written a thing in my life or touched/seen a tarot deck?Then this is the perfect place for you to start. Learning a new skill can be super exciting and can be overwhelming at the same time, especially when you're discovering and learning three new things all at the same time -- writing, your writer's voice, and tarot. Here, I break everything down into small, bite-sized lessons, tips, tricks, and sections. By guiding you to focus on one beat, one moment, one card, or one task per week, you'll be able to absorb more information faster, tap into your intuition quicker, and listen to yourself think more clearly. (If you do join and this is too slow of a pace, please let me know and I will do my best to adjust the pacing for the group.) As for the tart deck, I encourage you to go out and buy a deck that closely matches the energy/world you're creating. There is no need to go out and buy all the deck in the world. That's my job, lol.
I've been a writer and tarot reader for a while. Will I still find value in this?Of course! Tarot is a forever learner subject. Why not learn new, and might I say, rare reading techniques to improve your own writing and practice? It can only make you better! Learning to approach creative writing from a different perspective than you've ever done before will only improve the knowledge you have about yourself and your process.
I'm a non-fiction writer. Will this still work for me?While fiction is my primary focus, the personal and self development/healing you can experience with this is only going to help you finish that non-fiction book/story/project faster. So, why not give it a try? It can't hurt. And if you find out it's not for you, cancel. No hard feelings. Not everything is for everyone, but you'll only know if it works for you if you try.
Can I wait and join Flow Your Mojo later?I mean, sure, but I am unsure of what the community, offers, or prices will be later. There's no guarantee they will be the same as I only want to improve the community with what they need/want as it grows.
What support is included in Flow Your Mojo?I, Chris Lilly, will be your point of contact. Tagging me in the groups will give you priority access to me. You can still reach out to me via social media, but Flow Your MoJo members will take priority.
I'm worried I won't have enough time in my schedule for Flow Your Mojo... What's the time commitment?It's honestly as much as you want to put into it. I don't know what your writing schedule is, so you could be writing for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week to equal 40 hours, or you could just purchase/experience one tarot reading and not write a thing. I plan to host two or three 2-hour co-writing sessions and/or lessons a week. If you can't make it or stay the entire time, don't fret. Not everyone needs a co-worker, and the tarot lessons will be recorded and posted to the groups when available so you can watch them on your own time .
What if I buy but then decide Flow Your Mojo is not for me?You can cancel at any time. No hard feelings. Though, you need to know that tarot and getting to know your intuition is not an overnight life change/experience. It will take some time, so I do hope you'll stick it out for at least a month (maybe two) as that is roughly how long it takes to create a new habit. If you're truly hating it, I can give you a refund.
Is there a refund/money-back guarantee?This answer comes in Two Parts: 1. Yes! There is a 7 day Money-Back-Guarantee. A few things to keep in mind before you cancel: A: While working with me and your tarot cards may not always hear you what you "want" to hear, but you do have free will to do what you wish with the messages you receive through the Flow Your Mojo experience. B. The events/classes/discussions may not match up with your personal schedule, however most, if not all of them will be recorded so you can at least feel like you're involved on your own time. 2. There are no refunds for Individual tarot reading sessions.
What happens after I buy? When and how will I get access to Flow your Mojo?You should receive a Thank You email with links right after you buy and have direct access to create a profile and access all your bonuses you'll need to start connecting with your intuition, other members, and BE THE WRITER YOU WANT TO BE! (None of this "someday" crap. You're a writer now, dammit!)
I'm not tech-savvy. Will I still be able to use this program?There's always a learning curve when learning a new system/website. I've attempted to make the members area as clear and as self-explanatory as possible and I'm open to suggestions to simply things as well. If you are running into problems, email me, and if we still can't figure out what the problem is, I'll happily work with you to give you your money back.
Will the cards tell me if I will be a best-selling author or famous?They could... but I prefer to approach the tarot as a mindset tool rather than predictive, divinitive, or with yes or no answers. The tarot may tell you yes, but if you just sit at home and not finish your story, talk about your work, or never submit your story anywhere, then there's no energy being put forth to support the energy of the tarot cards' message, so you have to meet them/the universe/world/God/Spirit/whatever you want to call it half way in order for the magic to really work.
What is your internet/community safety policy?Not everyone is going to agree on everything. There will be different opinions and different practices within the community. There needs to be an understanding that members/writers need to be open to constructive conversations and honest critiques. There also needs to be an understanding that it is Writer's Choice (WC). Their project is their project. With that being said: I am gay, Black Lives Matter, science is real, magic is spicy psychology, Trans men/women are men/women. Hate speech will not be tolerated and members will be booted from the community with no refunds if that is found to be the case. We're all human. We all eat, sleep, breathe air, and poop. This life is too short to always be fighting, spreading hate, or forcing specific agendas. Let's learn from each other and lift each other up in the Flow Your MoJo Community.
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