Special Thanks
Angel Moon Production
Bent Con
(Panel 2013, Filmed an Episode in 2014)
Dreamworld Toys
Salt Lake City Comic Con​​
Just Us Guys was screened in the 2013 Film Festival
Elsie was screeend at the 2014 Film Festival
San Diego Comic-Con International
Just Us Guys was screened in the 2013 Film Festival
San Marino Congressional United Church of Christ
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers OG Producer
​Director of the Just Us Guys Prequel
​What if Ideas Design LLC
Indiegogo 2013 Backers
Aaron Weiss
Al Nixon
Ann Marie Mayhall
Amanda McDonough
Audri Dubois
Bob Groves
Bonnie McBird
Bryan LaRock
​David Budinger
​Micheal Latin
Natasha Hall
Raymond Duong
Senta Burke
Doreen Peel
Erica Lilly
Jessica Sison
John Greenwell
Laura Mundy
Lee Ann Gradwell
Lori Ransom
Louis Trent
Macri St John
​Mendi Seymour-Permenter
Stephanie Burke
Terrence Taylor
Todd Jonker