Chris Lilly's Blog # 5
In all transparency, I'm still experimenting with how these readings are worded and structured. Below is how these were presented to the members of the Flow Your Mojo Writing Community and since I'm opening this up to the writers of the world, you need to know the intention behind how these readings work, along with some minor housekeeping for those who don't know me:
These are not personal energetic collective readings. These are aimed toward creative writers, screenwriters, and fiction authors and their writing journeys. If you aren't a writer and find the message useful, supercool! I'm not going to take that away from you. I'm just being honest with the intention I used when I pulled the cards.
You have free will to accept and apply the message or completely ignore it.
You are allowed to see something different in the cards than me.
Sometimes the cards don’t make sense at first, so let them sit for a bit and see if anything resonates later.
Reversed cards could be blocked, delayed, healing, or internal energy.
Please comment on how/if this resonates with you and let me know if there is anything I can do better.
Please share this with anyone you feel might find this useful.
If you want a free one-card reading for your writing project, instructions on how to get that are below.
In the words of another popular tarot reader, MadamAdam, "If this reading came across your feed then it's probably for you; let' do it."

On the Outside: Three of Swords/Knives
This card was described to me as "feelings so hurt so bad you shouldn't act on them at the moment" and it has stuck with me ever since. This card is one of the most hurtful in the deck. While there are a lot of emotions involved with this card, it is in the swords suit, so we want to focus on how we think and communicate this week.
Personally, I've been feeling pretty raw given the state of our country this past week (at least for the USA), so I'm trying to keep a level head and stay creative amongst all the chaos.
The figure on the card is knitting all by herself, so maybe this week is an opportunity to spend some time alone and refresh yourself. Is there a quiet project or activity that you haven't touched in a while, like a book, or actual knitting? Maybe pull that out again this week and see how far you get on it, but don't make it a challenge. Be kind to yourself.
There's a lot of hurt feelings right now and the best way for us to heal from them is to allow ourselves to feel them so they pass through us. Don't bottle up your feelings. Converse with them, listen to their messages, and let them go. You don't want to make yourself sick.
On the Inside: The High Priestess
I like to think of The High Priestess as the Oracles from the Nerverending Story. Atreyu had to prove himself worthy from their challenge in order to pass through and continue on with his quest. The High Priestess knows a lot of secrets about the universe and we need to prove ourselves worthy of those secrets by following our own intuition so we can reach our goals.
Looking at the figure on the card: a dancer with her dress flowing around her. The moon cycles do still suggest intuition and this dancer seems to be in flow with her dance. Her dress looks like a leaf to me as well and the circles behind her, are those grapes or pomegranates?
You decide.
Putting Them Together:
These cards feel like there are a lot of hurt feelings that are possibly slowing down our intuition. The High Priestess is not reversed, so we seem to still be connected, but we need to address those hurt feelings in the three so that we allow our flow to continue because if we don't, that High Priestess may just flip over and that's not going to be a pleasant experience for us.
Writing/Journal Prompt:
Something else to consider is that this deck is called The Black Tarot, by Nayasha Williams. In this deck she focuses a lot on Black ancestry, so maybe talk to you ancestors this week?
Extra Insights:
Numbers: 3, 2
Colors: Purple and Gray
Major Arcana Message: 3 + 2 = 5, the Hierophant. This card has religious roots associated with it and has evolved into traditions, at least for me. Sometimes this is referring to a religious leader or maybe you are the leader. In connection with the cards above, I wonder if you need to confess something that you're feeling guilty about or forgive yourself over whatever it is that you're giving yourself a hard time over.
Tarot deck used: The Black Tarot, by Nayasha Williams
Free One-Card Tarot Reading Instructions:
I'll be posting these to social media.
Visit this link and find the deck that most aligns with the project you're working on and also what color cloth you want me to use -- No need to fill out the form:
Come back here and comment with:
your question
deck chosen
cloth desired
your social media account(s), if you'd like me to tag you.
Join my email list and follow my other social media accounts here:
Don't for get to comment about how (or if) this reading connected with you. I'd love to hear your thoughts!